P5- Reconnaisance (part-1)
Hi everyone! let's just get straight to the lecture.
Passive Reconnaissance
There are types of Passive Reconnaisssance as explained below:
1)Physcial/social reconnaissance:
In physical reconnnaisance, we may go through the company and try to gather information, maybe we have the location informatrion of the compoany and we search for the badge photos , we may be flying a drone and seeing that what the building layout is? where are the doors? how can a person enter into the building? where is the security in the building etc etc.
Whereas the social reconnaissance is that we can do social engineering or phishing kind of things to gather information, we may be looking at the pictures of the employees that they post on their social sites and try to gather information, maybe we are looking at the badge photos, desktop photos, computer photos, etc,
For instance, a person posted his photo with his laptop at work, and from that photo, we can see that what computer is he using? what application is he running at his desktop etc?
2)Web/Host Assessment
a)Target Validation
In this we try to validate our target, for instance, a client has given us an IP and by accident, he gave us the wrong IP, and we, without validation, start to work on that, so now we are going in the wrong direction. First of all, we need to validate that if our target is right or wrong. for that, we can use "WHOIS", "nsloookup", "dnsrecon" etc.
b)Finding subdomains
Once we get the IP, the most important thing is to find the subdomains, for that we can use "Google-Fu", "dig", "Nmap", "Sublist3r", "Bluto", "crt.sh" etc
Means that what services are running on the servers, WebHost or website, are they running a web server? which server IIS? APACHE? what is the version of the service they are using etc?
for that we can use "Nmap" ,"Wappalyzer" , "whatWeb","BuiltWith","Netcat" etc.
d)Data Breaches
Data breaches are the most common way when we are doing an external assessment that we get into the networks. When we talk about data breaches, we are talking about breaches incidents from the past that have leaked data. Again these are like Equifax, LinkedIn. All kinds of breaches that are out there that have had credentials dumped and then those credentials become available to us eventually. And we try to utilize those to gain access or at least utilize the user names to gain access.
So we are looking for these data breaches. The better you do scanning and enumeration, the more good you can exploit any target.
Identifying Our Target
In identifying our target , i am takign an example of bugbounty program, if we go to https://bugcrowd.com/ , and search for a specific client, there are many usefull information that we can gather. and also its like many reputable companies have a bungbounty program, lets take a look
if we go to the "programs" tab, here are the companies that are paying the hackers to find a vulnerability in them, but make sure to not go out of the scope as in their description.
we are taking the example of https://www.tesla.com/
E-Mail Address Gathering with Hunter.io
Firts of all go to https://hunter.io/ and signup with a valid email.
Here just write tesla.com in the search bar and it will give you the results.
So at the top right, you can see that it gave us a total of 453 results that we can export. Also at the left, it is written that "Most common pattern: {f}{last}@tesla.com" which means that if a person is working in tesla, his email will be the initial of his first name and then his full last name with @tesla.com as his email address. for instance a person "John Maiythan" email will be like "j.maiythan@tesla.com",
Also, you can see that, it is telling us the resource, which means that from which resources that email or information has been gathered by hunter.io...
The benefit of gathering these email addresses is that after we gathered all the emails, we can do a password spraying so that the email and user will be valid and the password may match and we may log in to the account.
Utilizing theHarvester
"theHarverster" is a tool that is built into the kali linux. It is also used for gathering usernames and subdomains.
Just go to the kali linux terminal and type "theHarvester", it will show information about the tool. see the image below
after I wrote theHarvester, these are the examples that are shown.
"theharvester -d microsoft.com -l 500 -b google -f myresults.html"
-d microsoft.com means we are specifying the domain
-l 500 means how deep in search you wanna go, as you want to do 500 searches, and
-b google means what you wanna search on e.g I want to search on google on the domain of microsoft.com and at the last, -f myresults.html means I wanna save my results into an HTML document
so let's do an example on https://www.tesla.com/
The tool searched 500 results and below are the results that it gave us
Email addresses are found, subdomains along their IP address are found.
so the harvester is a great tool for information gathering
Hunting subdomains - Part 1
We are going to talk about web information gatheirng. This is important if we are doing web penetration testing interanlly or externally.
Here we are gathering web site information passively, so the very first and most important thing is that we need to identify what subdomains are out there. so we are going to use a tool called "sublist3r" to identify subdomains because there may be several separate websites running on subdomains.
first, we need to install tool sublist3r by the following command
This tool is gonna go through several search engines and try to find subdomains as shown below and so sublist3r gives us subdomain up to 3 levels(most of the time), but what if there are subdomains with 4 levels? like *.*.tesla.com?
for this purpose, we are going to use a site called "crt.sh" ,
Now, all we are doing is we are using cert fingerprinting as shown below. write the following, hit search and see the results. It will give us the subdomains that the tool sublist3r may have missed.
Hunting subdomains - Part 2
Go to goole and write "owasp amass" and open https://github.com/OWASP/Amass . You need to configure this on your machines and the instructions are given over there.
This tool is really popular while information gathering i.e finding subdomains
The last tool in subdomains searching and filtering is "tomnomnom httprobe"
https://github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe . This tool will probe a list and will tell you that if a website is alive or not, so you can narrow down your searches.
Thats it for today!
Thats it for today!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Thanks for sharing. Keep Sharing.
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